According to the approach all around the world, it is no longer possible to provide information security only with technical measures. ‘Information Security Management System should be defined. Gizil kicked off the ISO 27001 certification process in 2019, supported by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. This international bank contributes to the economic and sustainable development of the country and supports SMEs.
Our Information Security Management System ensures that all our activities are carried out by ISO 27001: 2013.
GIZIL employees and the specific external parties defined in the Information Security Management System are expected to comply with our policy and the Information Security Management System that applies this policy. All employees receive training regularly. The information security management system is subject to continuous and systematic evaluation and development. GIZIL has established an information security committee managed by senior management and includes the information security manager and other managers to support the Information Security Management's framework and periodically review the security policy.
Gizil has also owned a system of ISO 37001: Anti Bribery Management since 2019 to ensure that bribery is prevented and fully compliant with the best practices in the world.
Compliance with rules and regulations is a must at GIZIL, and no exceptions or concessions are tolerated. Our customers and partners can count on us to deliver consistently. Our corporate responsibility, ethics, and care for health, safety, and the environment distinguish us as a company. We promise that all employees must display the most significant degree of ethical behavior, honesty, and integrity in all circumstances.
We act in line with legal requirements, contribute to our stakeholders' trust and sustainable development, and focus on continuous improvement. Our Integrated Management System, which is in line with our vision, mission, principles, and values, covers all issues of quality, the environment, occupational health and safety, information security, and ethics and compliance.
On April 26, 2022, both of our external audits were successfully completed.